Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Basics Of Fine Arts Painting And Drawings To Make A Shaded Harley Bike

Basic of Fine Arts Painting And Drawings To Make A Shaded Scenery Of harley-davidson Bike , Learn How To Draw And Color The Paintings And How To Sketch .

Basics Of Fine Arts Painting And Drawings To Make A Shaded Harley Bike
Basics Of Fine Arts Painting And Drawings To Make A Shaded Harley Bike

fine arts painting and drawings is an beautiful talent given to every human by god . a painting can express your happiness and your emoctions . a small child who does not understand anything and if you give a pencil in his hand he can draw a beautiful abstract painting in his own way . some always say our,s painting is not good , but painting is not binded in anything , its an independent art , which can be draw in anyway , can be expressed in many ways . and most of people try to make paintings like shaded faces , watercolor-painting , fabric-painting , scenery paintings but cant able to give perfectness in that one . so not to worry we are here to give u some best ideas and techniques , by which you can draw most beautifull paintings and arts as you want to draw . 

here we had presented an beautiful presentation of fine arts paintings and drawings . we created an harley -davidson Bike with pencil-color shading . 

Shading with an pencil color is same as shading with a pencil , so dont take stress . just follow the steps and you will be able to draw a perfect sketch and painting .

the best way to learn this type of painting is that dont try to copy down the exact painting of as same as of other . only learn the basics of paintings like how to do shadings ? , how to color paintings ? and how to give perfect angles and linings and clearity to the paintings ?  . 

In my first painting of this blog i described how to give simple shades , dark shades and basics of  shading , which will help you to make this type of paintings . basics of shadings -: this post will help you to learn the basics of paintings which will help you to make this type of best pencil shading paintings 

How To Make A Shaded Bike -: this post of my blog will help you to draw a perfect sketch of bike with the help of pencil . 

before starting to make your sketch try the shadings on a paper and practise to shade perfect and better . and also the basics which you should keep in mind is that before you start sketching and drawing , see that your pencil should be sharp and keep a rubber near to you .

when you start making the sketches , make the sketch with very light hands so that it will be easy to rub the mistakes . then when you start making the sketch , start making it from the upper portion so that , it will create a perfect angle in your mind how to cover full drawing on the paper . firstly make the harley davidson bike and then the background scenery . When you sketch the bike . start making the head of the bike first , then the tank , then the seat and after that make the tyres . then make the man seating on the bike , it will be easy to draw the man seating on bike beacause you had drawn the bike first , so it will be easy to sketch the man according to the angles of the bike . after this start making the fire background of the painting . the tricks to draw a fire is that firstly make the shapes of an mango leaves and then color all of them with light yellow color then take the orange color and make the curves lines on the border of the leaves shape and an small shade of orange color on between the leaves shape also then take the red color and follow the same step as you done with the orange color and then your painyting will be ready .  also above links will help you to learn all the basics of shadings and paintings . note that paintings requires your confident , if you dont have confident to make a paiting or sketch , then you will be not able to make paintings . also paintings or pencil shading requires the clearity . A simple paintings or pencil shading sketch will look good only when their will be clearity . without clearity a good sketched will also not look perfect or good . so however is your painting or pencil shading sketch you should give a perfect clearity to that pencil shading sketch . 

  also if you like aur painting you can can comment us on our blog and can share our links on facebook . also if you need any extra teachings related to paintings and sketches you can comment us below ., thankyou .

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